Calendar: 1980-1981 Page 122
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Page content
132 Faculties and Courses of Study Chief Technicians Earll Departmental Superintendent St Blakey Hunt Senior Technicians Collins Β Heslip Nisbett Ricbardson Sonnett MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Professor and Head of Department Earles sc eng ph london ceng mech Professor of Mechanical Engineering Williams ph sc eng london sc birmingham ceng mech Professor of Refrigeration Engineering Gosney sc eng london ceng mech inst Visiting Professor Mellor sc eng eng mech Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Fellow Η Rose sc eng london ph Manchester ceng mech Senior Lecturers Smith ph Cambridge ceng C0RR Metallurgy Tindal sc tech Manchester ph london ceng mech Lecturers PoweU sc eng ph london ceng MECH Vinnicombe sc ph wales eng mech Fenner sc ph london Borrett sc ph london Whitlock sc eng ph london eng mech Paul sc ph london lc
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