Calendar: 1979-1980 Page 60
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66 Governing Bodies and Staff Stoddart David Michael sc ph Lecturer in Zoology and Scientific Co-ordinator Rogate Field Studies Centre 1969 Stokes Alexander Rawson ph inst Senior Lecturer in Physics 1947 Stolkin Colin ch Lecturer in Anatomy 1976 Street Elizabeth Alice Lecturer in Environmental Studies 1976 Strohm Reinhard ph Lecturer in Music 1975 Stuart-Innes Mrs Joy Private Secretary to the Registrar 1959 Sutherland Stewart Ross Professor of History and Philosophy 0j Religion 1977 Swift-Hook sc ph eng inst Visiting Professor in Electrical Engineering 1977 Sykes Martin Francis sc Director of Research in Physics Theoretical 1965 Symonds Kathleen Vera sc ph Lecturer in Botany 1955 Taylor John Lecturer in French 1967 Taylor John Gerald sc ph Professor of Mathematics 1971 Tedder Peter William sc Computer Programmer Computing Unit 1975 Tempany Myles McDermott Bursar 1948 Tennekoon Ravindra ll Lecturer in Laws 1979 Terry Jack College Medical Officer 1975 Thomas John Henry Assistant Buildings Officer 1974 Thomson Joseph McGeachy ll Lecturer in Laws 1974 Thornton Vernon Francis sc ph Lecturer in Anatomy 1971 Tindal Michael John sc tech ph eng mech Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering 1961 Tofield Arthur Clerk of Works 1948 Tollyfield Andrew John sc ph Lecturer in Electronic Engineering 1974 Tonge David Alan sc phil ph Lecturer in Physiology 1975 Trowell Brian Lewis ph King Edward Professor of Music 1970 Turner Bryan Dennis sc ph Lecturer in Zoology 1973 Turner Charles William sc ph eng William Siemens Professor of Electrical Engineering 1971 Tyrrell John Alfred sc ph Reader in Mathematics 1958 Vane phil sc biol Visiting Professor in Pharma- cology 1976
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