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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1979-1980-199

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INDEX OF NAMES This index contains the names of members of Governing Bodies College Fellows and present staff Abbott Mrs 46 53 135 140 Abbott Rev 49 179 180 198 207 208 Ackroyd The Rev 37 42 47 49 50 53 156 181 198 208 Addison 73 Adby 46 47 53 146 Ainsworth Miss 146 Allen 71 Alves Η 72 Amos 72 Anderson 198 Andrews 36 39 46 53 144 Andrews 74 Angier Η 70 Angus 39 53 179 163 Arnold Α Η 68 Arnott 73 Arnstein 35 36 37 39 40 44 46 53 133 39 191 98 Arthur 37 44 46 53 132 133 135 189 198 Ashby 42 53 114 Aspin 38 42 48 53 153 186 Β Bailey 74 Baker 38 39 44 53 133 135 138 140 191 Baldick 42 47 53 157 Bangert 131 Banks 53 Barber 138 Barnard 42 44 53 130 Barron 35 37 39 4ז 183 109 53 42 Bass 131 Bassett 53 44 Bately 38 42 53 no 183 Bates 73 Bathurst Μ 198 Batten 74 Beard Miss 42 53 no Beaumont Miss 73 Beaven Α Α 43 53 120 Beckley 42 54 112 Beddow Dr 42 54 112 Begley 44 54 135 140 Bell Ε Α 38 39 44 54 131 133 188 198 Bellringer 163 Benfield 131 Benfield 131 Benjamin Mrs 54 115 Bennett Miss 127 Bennett Α 42 54 in Bergman 46 54 134 146 Bernard MissJ 198 208 Bevis Miss 54 70 Birch 74 Bishop Miss 157 Bishop DameJ 198 Blackburn 191 Blakey St 73 Bodner 54 126 Boff 46 54 Bond 42 54 115 Bondi Sir 35 38 42 44 54 129 190 198 Boon 198 Born 38 39 44 46 54 133 13S 38 139 19 Borrett Ν Α 46 54 134 145 Bowden 35 Bowditch 72 Bowron 198 Boxer 68 198 Boycott Β 37 44 54 126 127 188 Boyden 198 Bradbeer 37 44 54 131 133 189 Bradbury 38 44 46 54 135 140 Bray 54 127 Bray 127 Brierley 198 Brink 138 Bristow 72 Brook Mrs 48 54 153 Brooks Miss Μ Α 156 Brown Miss Α 127 Brown Mrs 54 71 Brown 44 54 127 Brown Mrs 153 Brown 44 46 54 139 Brown Α 38 42 54 113 183 Brown 37 40 41 42 47 54 "4 184 197 Brown 46 54 138 Browne 198 Brownlee 68 198 Brunsden 36 42 44 54 in Brunswick Mrs 130 Bugg 54 71 Bullough 68 198 Burgoyne 36 44 54 129 Burtt 46 55 134 146 Bushnell 44 55 130 Bush 55 149 Butcher Miss Μ 55 198 Butt 42 55 115 Byrne Α 42 47 55 157 Cadogan 198 Callard 55 163 Cameron 183 Cameron Prof 38 42 55 109 113 183 Cammack 44 55 131 215
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