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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1978-1979-199

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

Index of Names 217 Moult 62 Mounter Κ Α 74 Muir 41 43 48 62 150 Murphy 74 Ν Naftalin 46 62 133 37 Nash 37 47 49 50 62 141 177 190 197 208 Neidle 45 62 125 Nelson Mrs 43 62 "3 Newby Douglas 35 Newsholme Ε Α 62 136 Newson Miss Α 43 45 62 iii Nicholas 36 45 62 127 Nicol 35 36 37 43 62 70 109 177 182 Nicol 68 189 197 Nightingale Miss 72 Nineham Rev 50 79 97 206 Nisbett 74 Noble Sir 49 50 198 205 Nokes 43 62 no Norris Miss 74 Nott The Very Rev 50 198 206 Nunn 45 46 62 132 137 Nuttall Rev 62 153 198 206 Nye Ε 74 Ο O'Brien 45 62 126 Offer 45 62 125 Olah Α 62 126 Oldham 45 63 71 127 Oliphant 74 Orchard in Ormond Mrs 43 63 no Ouston Α 38 43 63 in 182 Outteridge 45 63 129 Overill 63 71 Owen Rev 37 43 47 63 153 186 198 206 Ρ Packer 63 71 Packham 74 Pandya 71 Parrinder Rev 50 69 180 197 206 Paskins Β Α 39 43 63 Hi Paterson Mrs 35 46 63 136 Paterson I63 46 45 137 133 Patterson 63 70 177 Payne 74 Pereira de 43 63 114 Perry 37 39 48 150 184 Perryman 63 70 Petrie 74 Petrobelli 47 63 146 Pettigrew Α 63 70 Pettyfer 74 Phillips Mrs 71 Pike Ε 74 Pilmer 74 Pinder Rev 52 Pinn Mrs Ε 72 Pirani 37 45 47 63 128 188 Pitches 74 Plender 44 63 119 Polglaze 74 Pollak Miss 63 161 198 Poole 40 48 63 150 Poole 161 Porter 43 63 113 Porter 43 63 no Potter 45 63 127 133 185 Potts 45 63 129 Pound 63 161 Povey 63 70 Powell 47 63 142 Prentice 37 40 43 45 46 63 127 187 Price 63 119 133 187 Price Κ Α 49 63 70 Price 69 186 198 Prince 45 46 63 33 137 Proudfoot 43 63 no Provini Mrs 64 no Pugh 35 37 39 43 45 47 64 in 131 182 Queen Queen Mother 196 Raisman 64 137 Rajak Η 44 64 118 Ramsey The Most Rev and Rt Hon Lord 207 Randall Sir 69 186 198 Ranft McL 64 113 Rao Κ 4s 64 131 Rebelo De 43 64 114 Reckert 37 43 64 114 Reed 74 Rees MrsJ 43 64 no Reese 38 45 64 126 187 Reilly 46 64 143 Reuben Μ 64 127 Richards 45 64 125 Richards Miss 74 Richardson 74 Rinsler Mrs 41 42 64 in Risley 64 Roberts 74 Roberts Mrs Α 36 43 64 no Roberts 74 72 Robertson 37 45 64 126 187 Robins 45 46 64 133 137 Robinson 45 64 128 Robinson Rev 207 Robinson 45 64 127 137 Rollinson Miss 72 Rose 45 64 in Rose Η 64 69 132 142 198 Rose Mrs Yvonne 72 Roseveare 43 64 "3 Rosing 43
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