Calendar: 1977-1978 Page 98
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Page content
General Information 105 sport and awards the University of London 'Purple' the Union encourages keen and friendly rivalry between the colleges of the University by arranging an intercollegiate debating competition one-act play festival and the various cup competitions leagues and tournaments in all branches of sport The University Union building in Malet Street is open to members of the Union It contains offices refectory open for luncheon tea and supper an assembly hall and stage swimming pool gymnasium badminton and squash courts lounges and bar library and rooms for television music billiards and table tennis Accommodation Office see under section on Residence page 99 Adviser to Overseas Students Students from outside the British Isles may obtain general information advice on personal problems and in emergencies from the University of London Adviser to Overseas Students Applications for appointments should be made to Miss Christine Prince University of London Adviser to Overseas Students University of London Union Malet Street WC1E 7HY Tele- phone 01-580 5035 Universities' Statistical Record In common with all universities in the United Kingdom this University pro- vides to the Universities' Statistical Record information on an annual basis relating to academic staff and students both undergraduate and postgraduate This is national computerised record operated on the universities' behalf by the for the purpose of providing statistical material for the University Grants Committee and for the universities themselves The data provided to the is subject to strict confidentiality safeguards and material is drawn from the record only in the form of statistical tabulations fuller description of the scheme may be obtained from the office of the Registrar from whom anyone wishing to see print-out of the information about him that is held on the record may also obtain the relevant application form Rogate Field Centre Warden Risley field station has been developed at Rogate near Petersfield Hants the facilities are shared by the Departments of Botany Civil Engineering Geo- graphy Geology and Zoology and the centre offers opportunities for field studies in these subjects both in undergraduate teaching and for research
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