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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-88

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General Information 95 any student where it is in his opinion necessary in the interests of the College that this should be done Any student so suspended shall be charged without delay and the matter shall be determined in accordance with the procedure herein contained When deciding upon the order to be made the Hearing Committee shall take into consideration any period of suspension which has already taken effect 13 Interpretation Reference herein to the Principal or the Dean shall include persons who are authorised to act as deputies to these officers Hearing Committee Procedure Except where otherwise stated or where the Hearing Committee in their discretion and in the belief that the interests of justice will thereby be served so decide the rules of procedure for trial on indictment in an English Court of Law shall apply For the purpose of the hearing decision by the Hearing Committee on any point of procedure must be accepted by both sides That decision may however be the subject of appeal The party charged shall have the right to be present at all hearings of the Hearing Committee The Clerk of the Committee shall read to the party charged the particulars of the charge and shall ask whether the charge is admitted or not The case against the party charged shall be presented first The party charged and his representative if any may then reply At the conclusion of the evidence for both sides each side may then address the Committee the College first and the party charged second Either side may call witnesses who may be examined cross-examined and re-examined The English Law of Evidence will in general be followed but need not be strictly observed in particular evidence may be admitted if it is relevant and fair The Committee must reach decision on the question of proof of the charge without adjournment Where the Hearing Committee finds that charge has been proved each side-the College speaking first-shall have further opportunity to address the Committee on the question of the appropriate order to be made No witnesses may be called at this stage The Hearing Committee may adjourn the court for period not exceed- ing one week for the purpose of deciding upon the order to be made 10 The Hearing Committee may at their discretion at any time during the the course of the hearing and particularly for the purpose of reaching their decision on the question of proof or of the appropriate order order the room to be vacated or may themselves retire to another room for private discussion 11 Notice of Appeal must be given to the Chairman of the Hearing Com- mittee or to the Principal or in the case of theological student the Dean within fifteen days of the announcement of the decision appealed against
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