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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-84

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General Information ז9 Procedure for the Trial of Offenders against College Rules Jurisdiction The Hearing Committee has jurisdiction to hear all charges relating to offences contained in the Rules of the College £ This jurisdiction is concurrent with jurisdiction exercised by the criminal or civil courts of the State In exercising jurisdiction in any matter in respect of which other courts have jurisdiction the Hearing Committee shall take into consideration action which may be or which has been taken elsewhere and may in its discretion carry over hearing or postpone decision upon the order to be made pending the outcome of proceedings elsewhere Filing of Charge Where any academic or administrative official of the University or College any member of the staff or any student of the University believes that an offence against the Rules of the College has been committed he may file charge against any student of King's College for misconduct The charge shall be filed in writing with the Principal or in the case of theological student the Dean of the College Minor Offences and Election of Trial Minor offences may be dealt with within the jurisdiction of the Principal or Dean When the Principal or Dean regards an offence as serious he may arrange for it to be tried in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph below Any student who is charged with any offence may elect to be tried by that procedure and shall be informed of his right Presumption of Innocence In all disciplinary proceedings student shall be presumed to be innocent of the charge until the contrary is proved beyond reasonable doubt Preliminary Enquiry Before Hearing Committee is constituted in accordance with paragraph below for the purpose of trying any student for an offence Preliminary Enquiry shall be held by the Principal or in the case of theological student the Dean for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not prima facie case exists against the accused The student shall be notified at or before the Pre- liminary Enquiry of the general nature of the charge under investigation He shall be under no obligation to make any statement or give any explanation if he does not wish to do so and shall be so informed If no prima facie case is found to exist all proceedings in respect of that charge shall terminate Initiation of Proceedings After prima facie case has been found to exist the Principal or in the case of theological student the Dean having held such an Enquiry will send by hand or by Recorded Delivery written copy of the charge or charges
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