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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-83

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General Information tions of the University regarding eligibility for matriculation registration as internal students of the University attendance at recognised courses comple- tion of entry forms and payment of fees for examinations and other matters In any difficulty advice may be sought in the Registrar's office but the College will not accept responsibility in any case of failure to comply with the Univer- sity's regulations Students must inform the Registrar's Office of their term-time address when they register Any change of address must be notified immediately Smoking is prohibited within the College buildings except in those places and at those times for which permission has been given by the Principal or in the case of rooms belonging to the Theological Faculty by the Dean of College No papers or merchandise may be sold within the College precincts with- out the authority of the Principal Undergraduates are not allowed to enter or remain in the College build- ings when the College is closed except with the permission of the Principal or to see member of the academic staff by appointment Postgraduate research students may apply to the Secretary of the College through the Head of the department concerned for permission to enter or remain in the College buildings at such times to continue their studies Proper order is required in all lectures classes and meetings held in King's College Students using the College Library must conform to the rules laid down by the Library Committee which are given in full on page 164 Conduct of Examinations Examinations are held in the College at suitable times during session as requested by each faculty Examination time-tables indicating the examinations to be held in each faculty are published in advance and include details of the rooms in which each examination will be held At all examinations held at the College each candidate's desk will be labelled with card bearing either his name or his University examination number and he will be required to use that desk unless special permission is given to change it No candidate will be admitted to the examination room later than half-an-hour after the beginning of any examination except by special permission of the officer in charge No candidate wUl be allowed to leave the examination room until one hour after the beginning of any examination Candidates unless otherwise instructed may not bring books papers or cases into the examination room Candidates are responsible for seeing that they have the right question paper Errors should be notified to the invigilator or officer in charge At the end of the examination candidates should leave their written work in the place stated by the invigdator or officer in charge
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