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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-80

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General Information 87 Special Fees and Other Courses Students who are required to take qualifying examination consisting of papers for Bachelor's Degree examination before being permitted to register for higher degree will if enrolled in the College be charged at the undergraduate rate until the date of registration for the postgraduate course special fee of £15 is charged in lieu of the corresponding portion of the sessional tuition fee to all postgraduates who spend session or part of session at foreign university as part of the prescribed course for the qualification for which they are registered Such students will pay Union Society subscription pro rata with the time spent in College during the session Introductory postgraduate course in Biophysics for persons other than registered postgraduate students of the College fee of £40 is charged Gradu- ate students undertaking research not leading to degree or undertaking studies leading to higher degree of university other than London will be classified as research students and required to pay fees in accordance with the scales set out above For persons engaged in research for commercial purposes the fee will be fixed in each case on its merits Other persons may be admitted to engage in research at fees to be determined by the Finance Committee in individual cases Non-U Students The sessional fees for non-U full-time students are Undergraduate £650 plus £23 Union subscription £673 Postgraduate £850 plus £23 Union subscription £873 Overseas students should ensure that sufficient funds to cover fees and main- tenance are available to them throughout the whole of their period of study and certificate to this effect will be required by the College as condition of admission Bursaries Grants and Scholarships The Registrar deals with reports on the work and attendance of grant or scholarship holders and he should be consulted in any case of difficulty in connection with such matters Attendance at Lectures and Examinations In order to qualify for admission to University examinations and for payment of awards and grants students must attend lectures classes tutorials and departmental examinations to the satisfaction of the Head of Department If student is absent from College through illness for period of week or more or for any period involving absence from College or University examination medical certificate should be sent to the Faculty office If the illness is prolonged or infectious final medical certificate should be sent to the Faculty office and its receipt acknowledged before the student's return to College
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