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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-79

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86 General Information Part-time Students Students are registered at the College as part-time only if they fall into one of the following categories Students engaged in earning their own livelihood who provide evidence from their employer to that effect at the time of registration Students whose domestic circumstances are considered by the College to prevent their pursuing full-time study Students in the fourth or subsequent year of registration for research degree save when the College prescribes minimum course of study extending over not less than four years Students registered as Internal postgraduate students who are paid as research students or the like and financed from Research Council grants or research contracts Sessional Union Total Fees and Fees Subscription Subscription Master's Degree by course work Phil Ph Diplomas and Certificates in the following Faculties Arts except Geography Education except Ed in Science Education Laws Natural Science Mathematics Mathematical Physics Theoretical Physics and Theoretical Chemistry only Music Theology Master's Degree by course work Phil Ph Diplomas and Certificates in the following Faculties Arts Geography only Education Ed in Science Education only Natural Science except Mathematics Mathematical Physics Theoretical Physics and Theoretical Chemistry Medical Science Engineering £102 11 50 £113-50 £120 £" 50 £131-50
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