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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-77

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84 General Information study for higher degree in which case the normal fee for the second course will be charged Separate courses Fees for separate courses are charged as for the Faculty of Arts above NATURAL SCIENCE Sessional Union Total Fees and Fees Subscription Subscription Sc £500 £23 £523 Separate courses and revision courses Students who are admitted to separate courses or revision courses will be charged fees on the following scale £63 per half course-unit per session together with the Union Society subscription for that session or pro rata fees and subscriptions for each term Apparatus Deposits Deposits for apparatus are payable in advance at the beginning of session They are returnable at the end of the course less any non- returnable charge for replacements and apparatus etc Chemistry £10 ן at the beginning of each of the first Geology two sessions and an additional £10 in Geography third session when expenditure has ex- ceeded or nearly exhausted the deposit These charges cover ancillary as well as main courses Anatomy Biochemistry Biology £10 at the commencement of the course Botany Pharmacology and further £10 if amount is exceeded Physiology Zoology or nearly exhausted in the following session These deposits are payable by the student and will not be paid by bodies awarding grants MEDICAL SCIENCE Sessional Union Total Fees and Fees Subscription Subscription Basic Medical Sciences and Pharmacology £5 £23 £523 Second £5 £23 £523 Students are required to pay deposit at the beginning of their course for the locker and apparatus supplied in the chemical laboratories Medical course £6 Dental course £7 At the end of the course the deposit is returnable less any charges for replacements and for departmental schedules etc Revision courses The revision fee for the 2nd is £40 per term for each of the four subjects together with one third of the annual Union Society subscription
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