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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-202

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

222 Index of Names Whittard Mrs 71 Wicks Mrs 72 Wiggins 74 Wiles Rev 182 200 209 Wilkins 36 74 Wilkins Μ 37 41 46 67 125 131 188 200 Wilkinson 36 38 41 46 67 128 188 Williams 50 69 200 210 Williams Mrs 71 Williams 47 67 141 Willy 74 Wilson 43 67 114 Wilson 200 Wilson 72 Winch 35 37 43 76 113 184 Winkler Α 67 112 Winnington-Ingram 50 69 183 200 210 Wisbey Α 36 38 4ο 42 43 67 109 112 184 Wood Β 74 Woodman 72 Woods 39 43 67 114 Wyeth 67 70 180 Yarker 43 67 no Yates Ε 43 46 67 in York His Grace the Lord Archbishop of 49 207 Ζ Zafrulla Khan The Hon Sir 200 Printed in Great Britain by Richard Clay The Chaucer Press Ltd Bungay Suffolk
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