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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-199

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

Index of Names 219 Jacobs 38 43 60 118 187 Jacobs 74 Jalinski 74 James Τ 68 187 199 210 Jarvis Α 60 70 Jay Rev 199 208 Jefferis Α 47 60 140 Jefferson Τ Α 60 159 Jenks MissJ Α 71 Jenkins 159 182 Jennings Mrs 70 Jensen Α 74 John 45 60 126 Johnson Mrs 71 Johnson 42 60 111 Johnson 39 46 60 136 Johnson 72 Johnston 35 49 50 199 208 Jolly 142 Jones 45 60 127 Jones 45 60 129 Jones 199 Jones Miss Μ 42 45 60 iii Jones Μ 42 60 112 Jones Α 199 Joseph 199 Joyce 45 60 129 Jupp Mrs 72 Κ Kalicki Mrs 74 Kane 68 183 199 Kastner 49 68 192 199 210 Kaul Τ 199 Kennedy Ι 44 60 199 Kerrigan 72 Keys MrsJ 45 60 130 Kilmister 37 42 45 60 128 190 King 38 42 48 60 149 Kingsbury Rev 180 Kinley 42 44 60 118 Kiralfy 37 39 40 44 60 102 118 187 199 Kirkaldy 199 Knibb Μ Α 42 47 60 152 Knight 60 71 Knight The Very Rev 199 208 Koenigsberger 38 39 42 61 112 183 Kogut Mrs 45 46 61 135 Laird 42 45 61 128 Landers 42 48 61 in 199 Lawrence 42 45 61 109 in Laws Mrs 47 50 61 153 154 Lefanu Miss 47 61 145 Leggett Μ Α 199 Lewis 68 182 199 208 Lightowlers 36 45 61 129 Lilleberg Mrs 71 Lindsay Α 38 39 41 46 47 61 140 141 192 Littleton 45 46 61 136 Lomnicka Ε 44 61 119 London The Right Rev The Lord Bishop of see Ellison 199 Longbotham 71 Longhurst 61 70 Loring Ε Α 74 Lue 42 45 61 128 Lumby Lynch 39 44 61 119 Μ McCormack 40 41 61 70 104 180 McDowall 68 McKenzie 61 140 McMillan Α 72 Macedo Η 43 61 114 Mackridge Α 43 61 109 Maguinness 68 183 199 Malakowska Mrs 71 Manuel 74 Marshal 43 61 113 Martin MrsJ 39 44 61 119 Martin 36 45 61 129 Martin 74 Martin 36 37 39 41 43 52 61 114 185 Martins Miss Μ 61 114 Mascall The Rev Ε 49 50 68 181 199 208 Mason 37 40 45 61 126 189 Maudarbocus Μ Α 74 Maudsley 37 44 61 118 187 May bray-King Lord 199 Mayhew MissJ 44 119 Mellows 38 41 44 50 61 118 187 Melrose 45 61 127 Mendl 43 61 114 Merriman Η 199 Merrison 199 Messervy-Whiting Mrs 72 Metcalf 45 61 129 Middleton Mrs 44 62 119 Miller Milligan 45 46 62 136 Moloney 62 70 Moore Α Α 74 Moore 45 62 129 130 Morgan 43 45 62 iii Morgan 36 38 43 45 62 in 184 Morrell 199 208 Morris 74 Morse 40 44 62 119 Morton Κ 45 46 62 136 Mottram Ε 43 62 no Moult 62 70 Mounter Κ Α 74 Muir 36 39 41 43 48 62 149 Murphy 74 Ν Naftalin 46 62 136 NashJ Κ 35 36 37 47 49 50 62 140 179 192 199 210 Neidle 45 62 125 Nelson MrsJ 40 43 62 113 Newman Miss 71 Newson Miss Α 43 45 62 iii
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