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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-195

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

214 General Index Laws Faculty of Board of Faculty Members 43 Staff Academic 118 Courses 119 Library Facilities 157 Library Rules College 164 Staff 159 Library University 168 Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives Trustees 36 Μ Mathematics Department of 128 Mechanical Engineering Department of 141 Medical Science Faculty of Board of Faculty Members 46 Hospital Medical Schools 138 Courses 138 Staff Academic 135 Medieval and Modern History Depart- ment of 112 Music Faculty of Board of Faculty Members 47 Courses 145 Ν Natural Science Faculty of Board of Faculty Members 44 Staff Academic 125 Courses 133 Ρ Palaeography Department of 113 Pharmacology Department of 136 Philosophy Department of 113 Physics Department of 128 Physiology Department of 136 Plant Sciences 129 Portuguese and Brazilian Studies Depart- ment of 149 Postgraduate Certificate in Education 149 Powder Technology 143 Professorial Boards Theological 51 University of London King's College 37 Refectories 100 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 144 Registration of Students 81 Residence 96 Rogate Field Centre 105 School of Biological Sciences 130 Senior Technical and Maintenance Staff 73 Sketch of the Development of King's College 21 Spanish and Spanish American Studies Department of 114 Staff Academic 53 Administrative 70 Library 159 Technical 73 Student Health 100 Τ Telephone Numbers and Addresses Terms Dates of Theological Department 154 Council 49 Theological Professorial Board 51 Theology Daily Service and Lectures in 78 Union of Students 102 Subscriptions to 83 University of London Accommodation Office 99 Careers 101 Library 168 Statistical Record 105 Union 104 University Halls of Residence 97 War Studies Department of 114 Welfare and Counselling 100 Ζ Zoology and Animal Biology Depart- ment of 130
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