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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-194

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Page content

GENERAL INDEX Academic Staff 53 Accommodation Office 99 Addresses and Telephone Numbers Administrative and Senior Secretarial Staff 70 Admission of Students Undergraduate 80 see also under relative Faculty Postgraduate see under relative Faculty Adviser to Overseas Students 105 Anatomy Department of 135 Arts Faculty of Board of Faculty Members of 42 Courses 115 Associateship of King's College Regulations 79 203 Β Biochemistry Department of 13s Biological Sciences School of 130 Biophysics Department of 125 Boards of College Faculties Members of 42 Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Department of 109 Chemistry Department of 126 Civil Engineering Department of 140 Classics Department of 109 College Prayer and Grace 11 Committees Members of Academic Development Committee 41 Advisory Committee on Staff 39 Catering Committee 36 College Reception and Dinner Commit- tee 41 Committee of Deans 40 Computing Committee 36 Finance Committee of the Council 50 Finance Committee of the Delegacy 36 General Purposes 39 Library Committee 40 Library Staffing Committee 40 Professorial Board 37 Safety Committee 36 Theological Committee 50 Trustees of the Centre for Military Archives 36 Corporation of King's College 207 Council of King's College 49 Daily Service and Lectures in Theology 78 Dates of Terms Delegacy of King's College Finance Committee of 36 Members of 35 Dental Studies 138 Diary for 1977-78 13 Discipline Rules Regulations 89 Ε Education Faculty of 48 149 Electronic Electrical Engineering De- partment of 141 Emeritus Professors 68 Endowed Schools and Charities Representatives on Governing Bodies 52 Engineering Faculty of 140 Board of Faculty Members 46 Courses 142 Staff Academic 140 English Language and Literature Depart- ment of no Fees and Subscriptions 82 Fellows and Fellowships 197 French Department of in General Information 77 Geography Department of 111 Geology Department of 127 German Department of 112 Η Halls of Residence 96 Higher Degrees and Diplomas see under relative faculty History Medieval and Modern Depart- ment of 112 Joint Professorial Board 40 Κ King's College London Association 104
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