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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-146

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Faculties and Courses of Study 155 King's College Theological Department is School of Divinity of the University of London it is recognised institution for the training of ordinands of the Church of England The Faculty of Theology of which the Theological Department is an integral part includes all students who are engaged in theological studies in the College The majority of students are full-time but persons who wish to receive part-time instruction for the degree may with special permission be admitted as occasional students to such lectures as they require for the purpose of their studies Undergraduate Courses ADMISSION OF STUDENTS Detads of the procedure to be followed by students seeking admission to courses leading to the degree the Diploma of Associateship of King's College or the are given on page 80 Applicants are admitted by the Dean of the College and the Dean of the Faculty Full conditions of entry are set out in the General Prospectus of Undergraduate Courses available from the Registrar The attention of candidates for the Combined course is drawn to the fact that through they apply for degree course 200ך only COURSES AND SUBfECTS OF STUDY Subjects studied in the Faculty lead to the degree the or the The courses are normally of three years duration except that Anglican ordinands are required to spend an additional year after completion of the degree or diploma course at theological college All students both degree and diploma take basic courses in the first year Subjects of study in the second and third years include Old Testa- ment New Testament Greek Testament Phdosophy of Religion Christian Doctrine Liturgical Studies Christian Ethics Church History and Study of Religions For students there is wide choice of optional and special subjects within the above fields of study For further detads the Faculty prospectus issued separately should be consulted
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