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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-138

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Faculties and Courses of Study 147 lectures without examination in subject other than music and to continue study of their instruments usually at the Guildhall School of Music COMBINED STUDIES COURSES THEOLOGY AND MUSIC The examination for this joint course consists often papers in all five of which are drawn from the Mus degree and five from those for the degree Some papers will be taken at the end of the first year and the remainder at the end of the second and third years Intending candidates ought in the first instance to consult the Deans of the Facul- ties of Theology and Music at King's College before making application through SUBSIDIARY MUSIC COURSE This two-year course with an examination at the end of the second year is open to members of other faculties who are required to take short subsidiary course The examinations will assess candidate's general knowledge of music rather than detailed consideration of any particular aspect of it While the Faculty hopes to be able to accommodate all intending subsidiary candidates it is obliged to point out that conflicts between time-tables may arise Postgraduate Courses MUS The course of study for this degree in the branches of Musicology Musical Analysis Composition and Folk Music will extend over at least one academic year and candidates will normally be expected to hold first-class or second-class Mus degree of this University or an equivalent qualification from another University The course of instruction will normally be open only to Internal students but may be taken part-time spread over two years The examination for the degree will be held once year and will comprise one written paper course assessment Special Study and viva voce examination Certain details of the Mus syllabus are currently under review Candidates for the degree are advised to confirm the details at time of application
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