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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-130

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Faculties and Courses of Study 139 INTERCALATED COURSES As mentioned previously students who show particular promise in either their Medical or Dental courses and achieve good passes in their examination are encouraged to take an additional course leading to the Sc degree in the University of London This intercalated course is based on course unit structure which extends over three terms in the case of Medical students and six terms in the case of Dental students The course units are closely integrated with those run in The School of Biological Sciences thus affording wide range of course units from which to choose It is usual for students to proceed to their clinical training after completing their Sc but some places for postgraduate research and study are available at King's College prior to proceeding with clinical studies Postgraduate Courses Internal and external graduates of the University of London and gradu- ates of other universities are admitted to courses leading to the degrees of Phil or Ph in Anatomy Biochemistry Pharmacology or Physi- ology The degree of Sc is awarded not on thesis but on the merits of original published work not done under direction and no course is pre- scribed Facilities are offered in the various laboratories of the College to persons wishing to undertake research For details concerning the various higher degrees the University Regulations should be consulted Postgraduates wishing to undertake research in any of the four departments of the Medical Faculty should write to the Head of the Department concerned
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