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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1977-1978-124

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Faculties and Courses of Study 133 Undergraduate Courses SC DEGREE SPECIALISING IN ONE MAIN SUBJECT This may be taken in Mathematics Geology Biochemistry Physics Geography Pharmacology Chemistry Botany Physiology Biology Cell and Molecular Biology Zoology Except for Mathematics these courses usually involve some study of allied subjects Details regarding the entry requirements for individual courses are given in the separate brochures issued for each of the main science departments and for the School of Biological Sciences ל SC DEGREE IN TWO MAIN SUBJECTS The following pairs of main subjects are normally available and courses in third subject may be taken during the first session The balance and emphasis between and within the subjects can be shifted in accordance with the individual student's interests and academic development Chemistry and Geology Chemistry and Mathematics Chemistry and Philosophy of Science Chemistry and Physics Mathematics and Biology Mathematics and Physics Geology and Physics Biochemistry and Botany Plant Biochemistry Biochemistry and Pharmacology Biology and Chemistry Biology and Physics Biophysics Botany and Zoology incl Ecology Geography and Geology Geography and Mathematics SC DEGREE IN HUMAN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES This option is concerned with the effects on man of recent advances in science and technology The courses are interdisciplinary and second and third year students will combine human environmental courses with choice of specialised options CONDITIONS OF ENTRY Full conditions of entry are set out in the General Prospectus of Under- graduate Courses available from the Registrar
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