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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1975-1976-84

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92 General Information student without an opportunity having been given to him before final decision is taken to present either orally or in writing any relevant matter which he wishes to be taken into consideration decision to refuse re-admission to postgraduate student on the ground that he has not maintained the required academic standard shall be taken by the Dean of the Faculty after consultation with the Head of Department or in the case of the Faculty of Theology the Dean of the College and the student's supervisor and after con- sideration of any relevant matters which the student wishes to be taken into account DISCIPLINE RULES AND REGULATIONS The Principal is responsible for the maintenance of discipline among students of the College other than those of the Theological Department The Dean is responsible for the maintenance of discipline among theological students but he will act in concert with the Principal if questions arise which affect the discipline of other students or of the College as whole These responsibilities will be carried out in accord- ance with the provisions contained in the 'Procedure for the Trial of Offences Against College Rules' Rules These Rules are promulgated by the Delegacy under the authority of Regula- tion 64 of the Regulations of University of London King's College and by the Theological Committee under the authority of Regulation 54 of the Byelaws and Regulations of the Theological Department of King's College Alterations or additions thereto may be made by the Delegacy or the Theological Com- mittee or by the Principal or Dean on the authority of and subject to con- firmation by the Delegacy with the Theological Committee and when promulgated shall take effect as if they were part of these Rules All students shall comply with instructions given by the Principal the Dean and other officers or servants of the College In the event of proceedings being brought for non-compliance with any such instructions it shall be defence that the instruction was unreasonable or unnecessary in the circum- stances for the proper functioning and efficiency of the College Any breach of the Rules of English Criminal Law committed by student on College premises or whilst engaged on College activities is breach of these Rules Any trespass to or unauthorised occupation of the buildings or any part of them of the College is an offence if continued after the expiration of reason- able notice given by or on the authority of the Principal or Dean It is an offence for any person alone or in conjunction with others to carry into execution or cause to be carried into execution any activity which is calculated or likely to prejudice substantially the functioning and efficiency of the College or its personnel
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