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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1975-1976-470

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xcvin Annual Report of the Delegacy Its purpose was to introduce new Faculty members and to give start to chamber-music ensemble-work before academic studies began The Faculty once again received generous donation from the William Byrd Fund Professor Brown read paper to the Royal Musical Association on 'Styles of ornamentation in sixteenth-century arrangements of vocal music for lute and keyboard' Professor Trowell delivered paper on 'Dufay and the contenance angloise' to the Third Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Music at Cambridge in July and was elected to the standing committee of the Conference series papers on 'Models for vocal ornamentation in Handel' at Goldsmiths' College and in the University of Liverpool lecture on eighteenth-century vocal ornamentation 'Gracing an aria' at the Aldeburgh study week for singers paper on 'The Ed and the training of specialist music teachers' to the Music Board of talk on 'Rameau and the Opera-Ballet' He also chaired discussion on medieval liturgical drama He continued as visiting Gresham Professor at the City University was elected to the standing committee of the Conference of University Music Teachers and attended and gave short address to the Conference on Music in Higher Education in April He became general adviser for new series of books on opera to be published by Dent Mr Peter Wishart's opera Clytemnestra Op 72 in two acts was given its first performance by the University College Opera Society in February His Some Thoughts on Miss Hudson's Minuet Op 73 was first performed in Bath in October 1973 by the Herschel Ensemble and his Concert Profane for small orchestra by the Italian Radio in Naples in March Dr Pierluigi Petrobelli delivered paper 'Zur dramatischen und musikalischen Struktur von Verdis "Trovatore" at the Musik- wissenschafdiches Seminar der Universitat Wurzburg December 1973 paper Tlnaugurazione della Cappella degli Scrovegni ed il "Ludus Annuntiationis"' at the Universita Popolare Padua March 1974 paper "Don Giovanni" in Italia-la fortuna dell'opera sulle scene fra compositori' as part of the Colloquium 'Mozart und Italien' at the Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rome March 1974 and Colloquium The Commonwealth of music in the eighteenth- century composers performers singers instrumentalists' at King's College June 1974 He also organised and participated in the second
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