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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1975-1976-441

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Annual Report of the Delegacy lxix Institute of Historical Research and twelve in mixed group drawn from several Institutes and Schools Dr Handley of Queen Mary College again taught the and research students in English She and Professor Brown held classes in the Durning Lawrence Library and Professor Brown gave his twelve lectures at the Warburg Institute Professor Brown acted as convener of the committee which arranged second reading course in Medieval and Renaissance Latin at King's College Public lectures connected with the course were given in the Department of Palaeography by Mr Michael Lapidge of Clare College Cambridge and by Dr Nicholas Mann of Pembroke College Oxford In 1972-73 public lectures were given by Dr Ludwig Bieler of Uni- versity College Dublin and by Mr Peter Dronke of Clare College Cambridge In April 1974 Professor Brown attended the twenty- second Settimana di Studio of the Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo at Spoleto and gave lecture on 'The historical background to the use of Classical Latin authors in the British Isles from ninth to the eleventh century' DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY Number of Students Honours 38 Honours Philosophy and German Honours Philosophy and Greek Honours Philosophy and Mathematics Honours Philosophy and Theology Subsidiary 10 Occasional Postgraduate 10 Departmental Notes Mr Hopkins read papers to Philosophical Societies in the Uni- versities of Lancaster London and Oxford He also gave prepared comments on paper at seminar at the Tavistock Clinic Dr Pole lectured at the University of Warwick and read papers to the International Conference on Philosophy and Literature held at Warwick and to the Joint Session of the Mind Association and Aristotelian Society at Lancaster Mr Sorabji read papers to the South Western branch of the
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