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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1975-1976-430

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Iviii Annual Report of the Delegacy The refectories showed deficit of £18 047 compared with £12 036 the previous year During the year Capital grants totalling £548 268 were made available to the College by the University Grants Committee through the Court of the University STUDENT ACTIVITIES Report from the Student Union This was something of traumatic year for the Union Society minority of students represented both in the General Meeting and on the Executive Committee endeavoured to effect radical politicisation of the Society and succeeded only in driving students from the General Meeting and bringing the Union into disrepute However alongside such activity Union Officers of the calibre of Mr Bogle MrJ Smith and Miss Darbey did their own jobs with exceptional ability and dedication and achieved much Early on in the Michaelmas term Mr Smith the Sports Officer discovered that the organisers of the Lord Mayor's Show had been wrongly informed that King's did not want to participate He sue- ceeded in talking us back into the Show and then in company with Miss Darbey worked hard to get together float and costumes In the end some thirty students took part in creditable entry to the day's proceedings Commemoration Week was on the whole successful with attend- ances at all events except the Ball well up on the previous year Mr Peter Ustinov gave an oration both witty and profound and were the New Theatre twice the size it is it wouldn't have held all the present and past students and staff of King's who wanted to attend The success of the Commemoration Party can be gauged from the fact that 660 people paid at the door and many more had to be refused entry The Carol Singing in Soho organised jointly by Miss Darbey the Officer and Mr McCartney President of Theology raised record £140 for charity Lysistrata was popular choice for the Commem Play In the Lent term an 'Arts Week' featured five films play musical presentations both traditional and contemporary poetry reading by Brian Patten and other events Arts Week was followed by Charities Week which unfortunately was characterised by some very good ideas which weren't as successful in their execution as was hoped It
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