Calendar: 1975-1976 Page 422
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1 Annual Report of the Delegacy work of the College Standing orders were in fact authorised for fifty- two periodicals-eleven in Arts one in Education five in Laws twenty-five in Natural Science six in Medical Science two in Engineer- ing and two in the field of careers guidance two of these standing orders represented the duplication in the Strand of scientific journals already taken in the outlying libraries at Half Moon Lane and the Rogate Field Centre One scientific periodical was discontinued as no longer needed at King's In addition standing orders were authorised for one series in Arts and for eight major works in progress-five in Arts one in Laws and two in the field of bibliography Gifts The Library was indebted to 459 donors individual and corporate for the gift of 966 volumes and 080 pamphlets including 54 volumes and 455 parts of periodicals bringing the total accessions for the session up to 609 volumes and 089 pamphlets or parts of periodicals The most notable gifts were two further contributions from the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sciences to the Burrows library of total of 133 titles in modern Greek literature and history including Proto- psaltes Apomnemoneumata agoniston tou 21 20 vols Balcania vols 6-8 1943-45 given by the Institute of South-East European Studies in Bucharest also for the Burrows library copy of Kindlers Literatur- lexikon 1965-72 vols presented by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- schaft and seventeen works on Hispano-Arabic literature and history transferred from the Library of Queen Mary College In addition the Department of Physics transferred to the Library an interesting and valuable collection of photographs proportion at least of which is attributable to Roger Fenton Accommodation The principal preoccupation in the field of accommodation was with the problem of providing more seats for readers in proximity to the Science libraries This need has been recognised in the light of experi- ence since the concentration in 1971 of the formerly scattered subject libraries in the sciences and medicine Although the two Science reading rooms had never together been full to capacity at the hourly census carried out by the Library staff it was recognised that consider- able inconvenience was caused by the paucity of reader's places provided in the room which housed the textbooks primarily used by under- graduates although the principle was reiterated that seats for readers
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