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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1975-1976-33

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Page content

Governing Bodies and Staff 39 Brown phil History 1975 Ilse Graham ph German 1975 King ph lit Education 1975 Κ Webster sc ph cp Anatomy 1975 Cox ph sc Zoology Sir Hermann Bondi cb hon sc Mathematics 1975 Appointed under Statute 22 for one year from March 1st Roy phil Arts Woods phil Arts Coe sc ph Science Julia Α Ε Hubbard sc ph Science Firth μ α ph Medicine JaneE Fortin ll Laws Vinnicombe sc ph Engineering Petrobelli dottore in lettera Music Β Dawson sc ph Education Knibb ph Theology Appointed under Statute 23s Tutor to Women Students Appointed under Statute 23B Ian Angus Librarian By invitation Helen Hudson doc d'univ Dean of Students general purposes committee The Principal the Dean the Assistant Principal Professor Baker Professor Koenigsberger Professor Price Professor Charlton Rev Professor Evans Professor Kiralfy Professor Η Rose Professor Barron Professor Trowell Professor Kane Professor Pugh Mr Lynch the Chairman of the Accommodation Committee and the Chairman of the Stage Ha Committee advisory committee on staff The Principal the Assistant Principal Professor Winch Professor Charlton Professor Reckert Professor Bell Professor Arthur Professor Barron
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