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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1975-1976-32

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

Governing Bodies and Staff Winch phil Philosophy 1967 Gibson ph sc eng eng Engineering Science 1967 Pirani ph sc Rational Mechanics 1967 Martin ph War Studies 1968 Roger Sharrock litt English Language and Literature 1968 Prentice sc ph Geology 1969 Higgins ph Pure Mathematics 1969 Mason phil sc Chemistry 1970 Nicol ph Modem Greek 1970 Robertson ph sc Chemistry 1970 The Rev Parrinder ph hon litt Comparative Study of Religions 1970 Sir Francis Vallat ll International Law 1970 Howie ph sc Mineralogy 1970 The Rev Owen Christian Doctrine 1970 Î’ Boycott sc Biology 1971 Turner sc ph Electrical Engineering 1971 Wisbey dr phil German 1971 Barron phil Greek Language and Literature 1971 Perry ph Education 1971 Taylor sc ph Mathematics 1971 Morgan ph Geography 1971 Wilkinson sc ph Physics 1971 Bradbeer ph sc Botany 1971 Cameron Latin Language and Literature 1972 Bell sc ph Biology 1972 Kenneth Charlton ed History of Education 1972 Harvey phil Spanish 1973 Koenigsberger ph History 1973 Reese sc Chemistry 1973 Trowell ph Music 1974 Lindsay ph sc eng eng Physical Elec- ironies 1974 Baker ph Physiology 1974 Jacobs phil European Law 1974 Hall sc agric ph Biology 1974 Mellows ll Law of Property 1974 Ouston ph French 1975
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