Calendar: 1974-1975 Page 97
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Page content
104 General Information includes the Medical Officer and nursing sister Specialist facilities and dental consultation may be obtained at the discretion of the Medical Officer All enquiries should be made to the receptionist at the medical centre in the first instance open from 45 to 45 When students begin their courses at King's they must make their own arrangements with doctor in the area where they are living and should register with him or her under the National Health Service Students living in lodgings or Halls of Residence should register on temporary basis students living at home should register permanently Students will thus be able to continue treatment begun at the College Medical Centre under their own doctor Addresses of doctors engaged in the National Health Service are available at post offices Student Lockers Lockers are available for students and keys are issued under the following conditions Each full-time student is entitled to locker for the period of his academic course provided this does not exceed five years and only those lockers provided by the College may be used deposit of op is charged this will be returned to the student when he leaves College provided he empties the locker and returns the key If the key is not returned before the student leaves College the deposit will be forfeited Each student will be required to pay for any damage to his locker or drawer No tradesman may be brought in to repair such damage duplicate key of each locker is kept in the College Office student losing his key will be required to pay 50p for new lock broken key should be brought to the College Office when it will be replaced Cloakrooms Overcoats hats etc should be left in the cloakrooms provided Lost Property Lost property is passed to the College Office where record is kept of items handed in Any loss should be notified to the College Office as promptly as possible The College cannot be responsible for any property not placed in the charge of the porters or cloakroom attendants Bicycles and Cars There is restricted accommodation at College for bicycles and motor cycles which may be left free of charge but at the owner's risk There is no parking space for students' motor cars
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