Calendar: 1974-1975 Page 96
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General Information Present students seeking accommodation for October should apply in person between the middle of May and the end of June after that priority is given to new students for the October session During the summer vacation interviews can be given only to students requiring lodgings immediately The Accommodation Office includes on its register addresses of flats and houses and priority is given to married students Advice can also be given on agents and likely areas for accommodation Except during the summer period mailing list is operated for those who have not been able to find accommodation after the initial interview Students requiring flats should call by appointment not more than four weeks before they are prepared to pay the rent of flat or house This type of accom- modation cannot be provided before the applicant arrives in London nor can details be sent by post outside London list of inexpensive hotels where temporary accommodation can be booked is available on receipt of stamped addressed envelope It is wise for those seeking flats to come in the summer before September October when the Office is extremely busy Students resident in the should move to their flats in July or August if they can since accommodation is more easily available then Refectories These are situated at the southern end of the main building and are available to staff and student members of the College They normally provide light refreshments luncheons and teas from 30 to 30 on weekdays in term time There is some curtailment of the service during vacations General Welfare and Counselling Dean of Students Μ Hudson doc univ The office of the Dean of Students Room 11BB Main Building exists to help students in any way that might be needed Problems of any kind whether they be personal or relating to practical matters may be discussed in the assurance of confidentiality Where counselling is involved the aim is not so much to hand out ready-made solutions or advice as to help people to gain insight and to find the solutions appropriate for them The Chaplain Room 6B Main Building is also available for coun- selling and information and help on practical matters may be sought from the Assistant to the Dean of Students Room 9E in the Chesham Student Health College Medical Officer Charles sc ch The medical centre in the Chesham is open for all emergency and certain routine health problems during term time The centre's staff
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