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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-82

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General Information 89 Sessional Union Society Total Fees and Fees Subscription Subscription Sc Phil or Ph in other subjects full-time £71 £11 £82 part-time £48 £5-50 £5350 Sc registration fee of £5 year together with Library and Departmental fees according to the circumstances of the case Postgraduate research students in Chemistry are required to pay deposit of £5 on the commencement of their work and second deposit of £5 on the commencement of second year These sums are returnable at the end of the course less charges for loss or breakage of apparatus MEDICAL SCIENCE Sc Phil or Ph full-time part-time ENGINEERING Sc Phil or Ph fiill-time part-time College diploma courses one-year MUSIC Mus Phil or Ph full-time part-time Certificate in Advanced Musical Studies Sessional Union Society Total Fees and Fees Subscription Subsaiption £71 £48 £ £5-50 £82 £53-50 £71 £48 £83 £ £5-50 £ £82 £53-50 £94 £46 £57 £28 £5-50 £33-50 £46 £ £57 THEOLOGY Th Phil or Ph full-time £46 £11 £57 part-time £28 £5-50 £3350 20 per cent reduction in fees is given to students who have obtained the and whose names are on the Register of Associates Other Courses and Special Classes ARTS Research work other than degree work Fees are charged according to the amount of supervision etc required These fees will not normally be less than £50 for full-time students and £30 for other students together with the Col- lege registration fee of £2 where applicable In addition Union Society Subscription of £11 will be payable by full-time students and £5-50 by other students
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