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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-80

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General Information 87 THEOLOGY Sessional Union Society Total Fees and Fees Subscription Subscription £68 £ £79 £76 £ £87 Combined and £76 £ £87 Separate Classes Except where otherwise stated the fees are £3 term or £7 year for each course of one hour week reduction of is made when five or more courses in one term are taken Postgraduate Courses College registration fee of £2 is charged to each student on his first entry into College In addition students registering for higher degree or diploma of the University of London must pay the University registration fee of £8 on the first occasion on which they register for the degree Students are also responsible for the payment of examination entry fees to the University of London at the appropriate time Details may be obtained from the Registrar Fees marked include all registration and examination entry fees For students of ordinary postgraduate standing engaged in pure research work other than for higher degree the fees are the same as for the Ph course Students are registered at the College as part-time only if they are engaged regularly on work other than studies for more than 15 hours per week and the College will require any student claiming such status to provide certified evidence to this effect on registration AR TS Sessional Union Society Total Fees and Fees Subscription Subscription Phil or Ph in Geo- graphy full-time £61 £11 £72 part-time £43 £5-50 £48-50 Phil or Ph in other subjects full-time £46 £11 £57 part-time £28 £5-50 £3350 Diploma in War Studies £46 £11 £57 Candidates for higher degrees who are required to take qualifying Honours papers at the examination before registration for the higher degree will be charged tuition fee of £46 together with the £11 subscription for the first year of the course if they are in attendance at the College special registration fee of £10 is charged in lieu of the corresponding portion of the sessional tuition fee to all postgraduate students who spend session or part of session at foreign university in connection with their degree course and who need to remain registered at King's College during that time Such students will pay Union Society Subscription pro rata with the time spent in College during the session
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