Calendar: 1974-1975 Page 550
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Page content
Index of Names xvii Muir 43 48 62 159 258 259 Munro 281 Murphy 172 Murphy 75 Murray 279 Murray Mrs 259 Mutter 248 249 Myers-Ward 281 Mylne Rt Rev 243 Ν Nadal 256 257 Nairne Rev Α 240 241 244 NashJ Κ 35 36 47 49 62 70 149 236 285 286 295 Nash 249 Neale 260 Needham 289 Neggers 27s Negus 282 295 Nelkon 266 Nelson Mrs 43 62 117 250 Newrick 282 Newman 71 Newsom Rev 235 243 Newson Miss Α 43 45 62 115 252 Newton 249 250 Nicholas Nicholas 45 62 133 254 268 269 Nicholls 273 Nicholson 274 Nicol 36 38 40 43 62 113 255 Nicoll Α 248 265 Nicol 68 277 295 Nicolay 236 251 Nightingale 72 Nineham Rev 51 240 295 398 Nixon Ε 246 Noble Sir 49 50 107 235 295 397 Nokes 260 Noone Mrs Α 282 Norman Miss Α Μ 238 Norman 254 Norris Miss 75 Norris Miss 274 NortclifF 43 45 62 115 252 Northall-Laurie 269 270 Northcote 282 Nott Very Rev 50 51 295 398 Nunn 45 46 62 138 144 284 Nuttall 245 Ο Oakeley Miss 252 Oatley 264 265 O'Brien 45 62 133 266 O'Brien 263 Odgers Sir 260 O'Donnell Miss Β 250 Oeconomos 255 Oesterley Rev Ο 240 Offer 45 62 132 266 Olah Α 62 133 Oldham 45 62 134 270 Orchard 115 Organ 47 62 15 287 Ormerod 280 Ormond Mrs 43 62 114 248 249 Orsanic Miss 75 Osmond Ν Η Otter Rev 21 235 Outteridge 45 62 136 264 266 Owen 264 Owen Rev 38 43 47 62 163 244 245 295 398 Oxenbury 290 Ρ Packer 71 Packman 75 Page Α 260 Page Miss 250 Paget Sir 262 Palmer 261 Palfreeman 62 150 Palmer 245 Palmer 272 Paris Α 280 Parish Miss 259 Park 260 Parker Α Α 256 Parker 261 Parkinson 259 Parrinder Rev 38 45 47 50 63 163 244 295 398 Partridge 280 Partridge 277 279 Paskins Β Α 43 63 118 257 Pastor Α 256 Paterson Mrs 45 46 63 143 278 Paterson 39 46 63 143 281 284 Paterson 72 Pattison 287 Paul Α 248 Paul Miss 238 Payne 237 272 Payne Miss 274 Payne 75 Payne 236 Payne 75 Payne Α 277 Peacock Τ 268 269 Pearsall Α 248 249 Pearson 248 249 Pearson Α 282 Pease MissJ 272 Pelc 266 Pelluet 253 Penston Miss 271 272 Perkins 268 269 Perowne Rev 247 Perrin 279 Perry Miss 256 Perry 38 43 48 63 159 258 276 Perry 282 Perryman 63 71 239 Petrie 7S Petrobelli 40 47 63 154 290 Pettigrew Α 63 70 237 Pettit 261 Pcttyfer 75 Phillips 282 Phillips 276 Phillips 270 Phillips Mrs 36 Phillips Mrs Μ 253 254 Phillips Ο 260 261 262 Phillips 280 Pia Mrs 73 Pick 254 255 Pickering 282 Pickersgill Miss 282 Picr-Angelo 172
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