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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-539

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

vi General Index Ο Officers of the College Old Students' Reception Committee 41 Old Testament Studies see under Faculty of Theology Ρ Ph Degree 125 130 141 148 152 157 158 167 Palaeography Department of 117 251 Pharmacology Department of 144 284 Philosophy Department of 117 252 Physics Department of 135 263 Physiology Department of 144 280 Plant Sciences 136 271 Portuguese and Brazilian Studies Depart- ment of 118 255 Postgraduate Certificate in Education 125 142 159 Powder Technology 153 Prizes see pages 185-231 Procedure for the trial of offenders 94 Professorial Boards Theological 51 University of London King's College 37 Refectories 103 Refectory Committee 36 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 153 Registered Students 297 Registration of Students 83 Residence 99 Rogate Field Centre 109 St Augustine's Canterbury 164 168 Scholarships see pages 185-231 Science Faculty of Medical see Medical Science Science Faculty of Natural see Natural Science Sketch of the Development of King's College 21 Spanish and Spanish American Studies Department of 118 256 Sports Facilities 105 Staff Academic 53 Administrative 70 Advisory Committee on 39 Library 169 Past and Present 233-290 Technical 74 Student Health 103 Students Names of 297 Studentships see pages 185-231 Τ Technical Staff 74 Telephone Numbers and Addresses 12 Terms Dates of Theological Committee 50 Theological Department 165 240 Council 49 Theological Professorial Board 51 Theology Daily Service and Lectures in 80 Theology Faculty of 47 163 240 Fees 87 89 Trustees of the Centre for Military Ar- chives 36 Tutorial Studentships 187 Union Society 105 Subscription to 85-89 University of London Accommodation Office 102 Careers Advisory Service 108 Library 180 Statistical Record 109 Union 108 University Halls of Residence 101 War Studies Department of 87 118 257 Welfare and Counselling 103 Westminster City Libraries 181 Ζ Zoology and Animal Biology Depart- ment of 137 272
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