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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-538

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

General Index ν Η Halliday Hall 100 Halls of Residence Canterbury Hall 101 College Hall 101 Commonwealth Hall 101 Connaught Hall 101 Halliday Hall 100 Hughes Parry Hall 102 International Hall 102 King's College Hall ioo King's College Hostel 99 Lillian Penson Hall 102 Nutford House 101 Health Student 102 Higher Degrees and Diplomas Arts 125 Engineering 152 Laws 130 Medical Science 148 Music 157 Natural Science 141 Theology 167 History Medieval and Modern Depart- ment of 116 249 History of the College see Sketch of the Development of King's College 21 Hughes Parry Hall 102 Industrial Electronic Systems 153 Internal Combustion Engineering 153 International Hall 102 Joint Professorial Board 40 Joint School of Geography 115 Κ King's College Sketch of the Develop- ment of 21 King's College Hall 100 King's College Halls of Residence 99 King's College Hostel 99 King's College London Association 107 Laws Faculty of 126 260 Board of Faculty Members 43 Conditions of Entry 129 Diploma in Law 130 Fees 85 Higher Degrees and Diplomas 130 Staff Academic 126 Undergraduate Courses 127 Laws Entrance Scholarships Postgraduate 209 Undergraduate 209 Lectures in Theology Daily Service and 80 Library College 171 Library Committee 40 Library Rules College 176 Staff 171 230 Library Staffing Committee 40 Library University 180 Library Westminster 177 Lillian Penson Hall 102 Lockers 104 Lost Property 104 Μ Degree 87 125 Sc Degree 86 145 Mus 154 Phil 125 130 141 148 152 157 158 167 Sc Degree 141 Sc Eng Degree 149 Th Degree 167 Mathematics Department of 134 274 Maurice Lecturers 245 Mechanical Engineering Department of 150 286 Medals see pages 183-231 Medical Science Faculty of 143 277 Board of Faculty Members 46 Conditions of Entry 146 Fees 86 89 Hospital Medical Schools 147 Staff Academic 143 Undergraduate Courses 146 Medieval and Modern History Depart- ment of 116 249 Military Archives Centre for 175 Music Faculty of 47 154 290 Board of Faculty Members 47 Conditions of Entry 156 Fees 86 89 Postgraduate Courses 157 Undergraduate Courses 154 Ν Natural Science Faculty of 132 263 Board of Faculty Members 44 Conditions of Entry 140 Fees 85 88 Postgraduate Courses 141 Research 142 Staff Academic 132 Undergraduate Courses 139 New Testament Studies see under Faculty of Theology Nutford House 101
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