Calendar: 1974-1975 Page 536
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Page content
GENERAL INDEX Academic Awards 345 Academic Diploma in Education 87 159 Academic Diploma in War Studies 125 Academic Staff 53 113 23s Accommodation Office 102 Addresses and Telephone Numbers 12 Administrative Staff 70 Admission of Students Undergraduate 81 see also under relative Faculty Postgraduate see under relative Faculty Adviser to Overseas Students 109 Advisory Committee on Staff 39 Anatomy Department of 143 277 Anatomy Biochemistry Pharmacology or Physiology College Scholar- ships 212 Annual Report of the Council Appendix 399 seqq Annual Report of the Delegacy Appendix 391 seqq Articled Clerks 131 Arts Faculty of Admission of students 119 Board of Faculty Members of 42 Bursaries 200 Conditions of Entry 121 Examination Successes 341 366 Exhibitions 199 Faculty Officers 113 Fees 85 87 Fligher Degrees and Diplomas 125 Medals 202 Postgraduate Courses 125 Prizes 186 202 Scholarships 198 Staff Academic 113 235 Studentships 202 Subsidiary Courses 124 Undergraduate Courses 85 119 Associateship of King's College List of Associates 385 Register of Associates 81 387 Regulations 80 383 Athletic Ground 105 Athletic Societies 106 Attendance 90 Î’ Combined Studies 120 123 Degree 85 119 121 Degree 87 166 Degree 86 145 Mus 86 Sc Eng 86 151 Sc Degree 85 138 139 140 Bar Examinations 131 Bicycles and Cars 104 Biochemistry Department of 143 283 Biological Sciences School of 137 267 Biophysics Department of 132 266 Boards of College Faculties Members of Arts 42 Education 48 Engineering 46 Laws 43 Medical Sciences 46 Music 47 Natural Science 44 Theology 47 Brazilian Studies see under Portuguese and Brazilian Studies Buildings College 79 Bursaries Bath and Wells 189 Centenary 190 General Rules 185 Others Macrae 191 St Boniface Missionary College 190 Winchester 189 Wooldridge Memorial 200 Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Department of 113 255 Canterbury Hall 101 Careers Advisory Board University of London 108 Centre for Military Archives Library 175 Trustees 36 Chemistry Department of 133 267 Christian Literature see under Faculty of Theology Civil Engineering Department of 149 153 28s Classics Department of 113 244 246 Cloakrooms Students 104 College Buildings 79 College Development of 19 College Hall 101 CoUege Library Centre for Military Archives 175 Hours of Opening 172
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