Calendar: 1974-1975 Page 533
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Page content
ciii Annual Report of the Delegacy APPENDIX contd Benefactor Department Investigator Details RC contd Searle Co Ltd Shell Inter- national Petroleum Co Ltd Social Science Research Council United States Army United States National Science Foundation University of London Central Research Fund Physics Mathematics Electrical Engineering Physics Physics Biochemistry Biophysics Education Physics Dr Sykes Prof Taylor Prof Turner and Dr Ε Deeley Prof Wilkinson Prof Wilkinson Prof Arnstein Prof Μ Wilkins Dr King Prof Domb Physics Chemistry Physics Dr Sykes Dr Robinson Dr Lightowlers For an investigation into the 'Applica- tions of the method of series expansions to percolation pro- cesses and random mixtures' To support Senior Visiting Fellow- Prof Constantinescu For research in 'Television Picture correction using Acoustic surface wave delay lines' An extension of months and supplementation to support research in Laser Raman Studies on inter- molecular forces in condensed phases' For further research in the Study of hydrogen bonding in condensed phases by laser Raman spectroscopy' For support in research work expenses To sponsor and support Shell Post Doctoral Research Fellowship supplementation to cover increased costs in connection with Compara- tive Analysis Educational and Social of Increas- ing Enrolments 5-18 For research to 'extend the series expansions which have been derived for the Isling Model so as to obtain more accurate picture of behaviour in the critical region' Contribution towards Post Doctoral Fellowship costs of Dr John Rehr Contribution towards expenses in connec- tion with research into Spectroscopic studies of arylazo and arylimino ligands' Contribution towards equipment costs for research purposes 10 72 to 31-12-75 73 to 30 9-73 3-73 to 28 74 72 to 30 73 ι-1-73 to 30 73 Academic year 1972- 73 10 72 to 30 74 10 70 to 30 9-73 1-5-73 to 30 474 72 to 31 3-73 Academic year 1972- 73 Academic year 1972- 73
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