Calendar: 1974-1975 Page 523
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cxlii Annual Report of the Delegacy APPENDIX IV LIST OF DONORS TO THE LIBRARY DURING THE SESSION 1972-73 GIFTS OF BOOKS BY PRIVATE DONORS The Revd Professor Ackroyd Mrs Arnold Professor Athilano vols Professor Beales 97 vols Mr Beatty Mr Bertelsen Dr Brown vols Professor Browning 16 vols Mr Butkovich Professor Charlton vols Mrs Chitty vols Professor Chloros vols Dr Kitson Clark Mr Clogg vols Professor Cocking Professor Cohn 40 vols Mr Courtney Mrs Ε Cowie Mr Curling vols Dr Β Dawson vols Mr Demetrakopoulos Mr Deubner Mr Dibble vols Mr Dimaios vols Mr Dimaras vols Mr Th Dimaras vols Professor Domb vols Dr Dougill The Revd Professor Dunstan vols Miss Eamcs vols Professor Elliott 179 vols Mr Eiriksson Dr Estorninho The Revd Professor Evans vols Mr Fassoulakis vols Mr Flower Dr Golf Sr Gomes vols Mr Grant Sr Grases Professor Guest vols
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