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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-520

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Page content

Annual Report of the Delegacy cxxxix Cox with Canning Croll and Lyons Κ 'The natural history of Slapton Ley Nature Reserve VI Studies on the parasites Field Studies 1973 in press Cox Triassic tetrapods in Atlas of Palaeobiogeography pp 213-15 Elsevier Amsterdam 1973 'The distribution of Triassic terrestrial tetrapod families In Implications of Continental Drift to the Earth Sciences Vol Ed Tarling and Runcorn Academic Press pp 369-71 1973 'Systematics and plate tectonics in the spread of marsupials In Organisms and Continents through Time Spec Paper Palaeont 12 113-19 1973 'Gondwanaland Triassic stratigraphy An Acad Sci Brasil in press with Healey and Moore Biogeography-an Ecological and Evolutionary Approach Blackwell Scientific Publications 184 pp Oxford 1973 Hawkins 'The Response of Amoebae to Antibiotics The Biology of Amoeba Ed Jeon Chap 12 Academic Press 1973 'Genetic information in the cytoplams of Amoebae The Biology of Amoeba Ed Jeon Chap 20 Academic Press 1973 Lyons Κ 'Scanning and Transmission electron microscope studies on the sensory sucker papillae of the fish parasite Entobdella soleae Monogeneae Zellforsch 137 471-80 1973 'Epidermal fine structure and development in the oncomiracidium larva of Entobdella soleae Monogeneae Parasitology 66 321-33 1973 'Epidermis and sense organs of monogeneans Advances in Parasitology Ed Dawes Vol 11 Academic Press in press Pye 'Echolocation by constant frequency in bats Periodicum Biologorum 73 21-6 1973 with Buckland-Wright 'Dietary deficiency in fruit bats Int Zoo Yearbook 13 271-7 1973 Randolph Ά tracking technique for comparing individual home ranges of small mammals Zool Lond 170 509-20 1973 Roberts 'Correlation of respiration and ultrasound production in rodents and bats Zool Lond 168 439-50 1972 'Cavity resonances in the production of orientation cries Periodicum Biologorum 75 27-32 1973 Sales 'Ultrasound and aggresive behaviour in rats and other small mammals Anim Behav 20 88-100 1972
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