Calendar: 1974-1975 Page 517
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Page content
cxxxvi Annual Report of the Delegacy Edwards 'Quantum theory of scattering Processes Ed Farina International Encyclopedia of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics Edwards 'Anisotropic momentum distribution in deformed nuclei Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on High Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure Uppsala June 1973 Edwards Sinha and Tedder 'Exchange contribution to inelastic scattering from collective nucleus Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on High Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure Uppsala June 1973 Field and Wilkinson Ά calculation of the refractive index of calcium fluoride using experi- mentally determined oscillator parameters Spectrochimica Acta 2ga 659 1973 Fox and Gaunt 'Critical isotherm of the Ising ferromagnet with spin Phys 3085-96 1972 Gaunt and Sykes 'Re-analysis of the critical isotherm of the Ising ferromagnet Phys Solid State Phys Vol 1429-44 1972 Guttman and Sykes 'Limiting ring closure probability index for the self-avoiding random walk problem Phys 1973 Guttman and Sykes 'Numerical study of conjecture in the self avoiding random walk problem Aust Phys 26 207-15 1973 Llanwyn Jones 'The application of ELF atmospherics observations to the deduction of the characteristics of lightning Int Assoc Met Atmosph Phys Publication 15 59 1972 Marchese Clarke Ν Griffiths Pyle Squier and Cage Optical Model for elastic scattering of 53 MeV helions from 56Fe Nuclear Physics Aigi 627 1972 Marchese Clarke Ν and Griffiths 'Energy Dependence of the helion optical potential Physical Review Letters 2g 660 1972 Marchese Clarke Ν and Griffiths 'Collective Model Analysis of the Inelastic Scattering of 53 and 33 MeV helions by 56Fe Nuclear Physics A202 1972
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