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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-513

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cxxxii Annual Report of the Delegacy Hall contd 1972 With Walsh 'Zinnwaldite granite from Glen Gairn Aber- deenshire Scot Geol 265-7 1973 'Geothermal control of granite compositions in the Variscan oro- genie belt Nature Phys Sci 242 72-5 1973 With Taylor and Kennedy 'The shell structure and mineralogy of the Bivalvia II Lucinacea-Clavagellacea Conclusions Bull Brit Mus Nat Hist Zool 22 255-94 Hancock 1972 With Kennedy and Klaumann 'Ammonites from the transgressive Cretaceous on the Rhenish Massif Germany Palaeon- tology 15 445-9 1973 'Angleterre Pays de Galles Ecosse Cretace Lexique Strati- graphique Internationale Vol fasc XI 162 pp Howie 1973 With Chaudhry Nawaz 'Lithium-aluminium micas from the Meldon aplite Devonshire England Min Mag 39 289-96 Hubbard Α Ε 1972 With Pocock 'Sediment rejection by scleractinian corals key to palaeoenvironmental reconstruction Geol Rundschau 61 598-626 1973 'Sediment-shifting experiments Guide to Functional Behaviour in Colonial Corals In Animal Colonies their development and function through Time Eds Boardman Cheetham Coates Oliver Jr Α Bayer Pennsylvania Dowden Hutchinson Ross 1973 'Coral colonies as micro-environmental indicators Ann Soc Geol Belgium 1973 Reviews in Nature 'Models in Paleobiology' 'Palaeontology and Geological Time' Ionnides 1972 In Neves et al Ά scheme of miospore zones for the British Dinan- tian Compte Rendu yth Congres Internationale de Stratigraphie et de Geologie du Carbonifere Krefeld 345-53 1971 1973 'Palynological correlations within the Lower Carboniferous of Scotland and Northern England Trans Roy Soc Edinb Vol 69 No 24-70 Potter 1972 'Comments on the geology of Northwestern Trinidad in relation to the geology of Paria Venezuela Trans VI Caribbean Geological Conference 1973 'The overturned anticline of the Northern Range of Trinidad near Port of Spain Journ Geol Soc Lond 129 133-8
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