Calendar: 1974-1975 Page 504
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Annual Report of the Delegacy cxxiii Gratzer Beaven and d'Albis 'The interaction of bilirubin with human serum albumin Eur Bio- chem 33 500 1973 Hanson Lednev O'Brien and Bennett 'Structure of the actin-containing filaments in vertebrate skeletal muscle Cold Spring Harbor Symp on Quantitative Biology XXXVII 311 1972 Hanson 'Evidence from electron microscope studies on actin paracrystals con- cerning the origin of the cross-striation in the thin filaments of verte- brate skeletal muscle Proc Soc 183 39 1973 Jacobs Brown Α and Brown 'Isolation of tubulin from the nervous system of Aplysia californica FEBS Letts 24 113 1972 Lieb and Stein 'The influence of unstirred layers on the kinetics of carrier-mediated transport theor Biol 36 641 1972 Lieb Hankin and Stein 'Rejection criteria for the asymmetric carrier and their application to glucose transport in the human red blood cell Biochim Biophys Acta 288 114 1972 Littlechild and Spencer Stability and homogeneity of preparations of ribosomal particles from Escherichia coli Biochemistry 12 3102 1973 McClare Ά quantum mechanical muscle model Nature 240 88 1972 Martini Ο and Gould 'Phosphorylation of rabbit reticulocyte ribosomal proteins in vitro Biochim Biophys Acta 295 621 1973 Maryanka and Gould 'Transcription of rat-liver chromatin with homologous enzyme RNA polymerase a-amanitin Proc Nat Acad Sci 70 1161 1973 Matsubara and Elliott 'The constant-volume behaviour of the myofilament lattice in frog skeletal muscle studies on skinned and intact single fibres by X-ray and light diffraction Physiol 226 88-9P 1972 Matsubara and Elliott 'X-ray diffraction studies on skinned single fibres of frog skeletal muscle molec Biol 72 657 1972 Matsubara and Millman Β 'X-ray diffraction patterns from mammalian heart muscle Proc Physiol Soc Physiol 230 62-3P 1972
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