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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-462

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Annual Report of the Delegacy Ixxxi Dr Richardson was elected Chairman of the British Micro- palaeontology Group Palynology section and was re-elected to the Committee for Inter-Collegiate Co-operation in Geology His research grant was extended for further three years by to cover the cost of Research Associate Dr Rasul specialist in Palaeozoic phytoplankton was appointed Dr Richardson attended the Commis- sion de Microflore du Paleozoique conference held in Boussens France in September chaired the session on Upper Palaeozoic stratigraphy and delivered two reports Dr Hall gave two invited lectures to the Societe Geologique de France in April Dr Α Ε Hubbard gave lectures at Queen Mary College and Imperial College during the year and in December 1972 attended the Fourth Meeting of Carbonate Sedimentologists Liverpool She also presented paper at the meeting of the British Sedimentologists Research Group Oxford in January 1973 She was awarded grant of £1 450 for research work on the biolithogenesis of reefs and coralliferous sediments and their palaeoenvironmental interpretation In November 1972 Dr Hubbard gave an invited lecture at the Tech- nisches Universitat Berlin and the Geological Society of West Berlin In May 1973 she gave an invited lecture at the Universite de Liege Low Countries Colloquium on Sedimentology and Palaeoecology of Fossil Reefs In June she visited Queensland Australia to attend the 2nd International Coral Reef Symposium and presented two papers Attendance at the Coral Reef Symposium was made possible by travel grant awarded by the Royal Society and by Symposium Bursary While in Australia Dr Hubbard took part in field trip to Central Australia organised by the Bureau of Mineral Resources and field trip organised by the Western Australia Petroleum Co Ltd with the University of Western Australia to Shark Bay Western Australia On the way back to England she visited Zanzibar and the East African Marine Fisheries Research Organisation there in connection with her research interests and the proposed marine environmental research programme She gave an invited lecture at the University of Makerere Uganda Dr Hubbard continued as member of the Palaeontological Association Council as Palaeontological Association Circular Reporter and as member of the Geologists Association Publications Committee Mr Colvine attended the meeting of the Palaeontological Association at Oxford and read paper In April Mr Rowland visited the Geological Survey of
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