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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-431

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1 Annual Report of the Delegacy Departmental Notes Mr Nortcliff joined the staff with particular responsibility for teaching of soil science Dr Christopher of the University of Port Elizabeth worked in the Department for the first term of the session In November 1972 there was celebration of 50 years of inter- collegiate co-operation with the Department as the Joint School of Geography Professor Hare gave commemorative lecture in the New Theatre entitled 'The Virtues to Requisite Variety' covering the contribution of the Joint School to British geography An exhibi- tion of Joint School research work was displayed in the Great Hall where tea was provided This commemoration was attended by some 350 Joint School graduates covering the half-century In February Professor Wolman from Johns Hopkins Uni- versity gave the Special University Lectures in Geography in the New Theatre drawing audience not only from London University but also from other universities and wide selection of institutions and Govern- ment departments In May Professor Morgan gave an inaugural lecture on 'Agricultural location in the less developed world' In March the student society of the Joint School held its annual conference for sixth-form students in the London area attracting as usual an attendance of about 400 divided into two one-day meetings The simultaneous use of the New Theatre and the Great Hall enabled the lectures and discussions of this meeting to be held entirely in King's College for the first time Undergraduate field classes were held at number of centres The first-year pre-entry course was held at Cumberland Lodge the com- bined Joint School field class at Matlock and the surveying class at Rogate Other specialised classes were held at Taunton cartography Rogate microclimatology Amsterdam urban geography Malaga geomorphology Clermont-Ferrand biogeography Durham econ- omic geography and Matlock environment Professor Pugh and Professor Morgan were External Examiners to the University of Wales at Aberystwyth Professor Pugh also examined candidates for the Ed degree at Camarthen Bangor and Wrexham and for the Sc in Nautical Studies at Liverpool Polytechnic and Professor Morgan was External Examiner to the University of Sierra Leone Professor Morgan and Mr Lawrence chaired Examining Boards of London University under Revised Regulations Dr Embleton was External Examiner at the Queen's University Belfast Moderator in
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