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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-430

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Annual Report of the Delegacy xlix Dr Dockrill attended Conference on the Law of the Sea at the Royal Naval College Greenwich Mr Paskins took over the Editorship of the Synoptic Index of the Aristotelian Society and joined the Committee of the Conference on Christian Approaches to Defence and Disarmament in the course of the year He attended the Greenwich Conference on the Law of the Sea read paper to group of senior officials at the Ministry of Defence and attended the Conference in Norway where he delivered paper Joint Seminars were again held with the National Defence College FACULTIES OF ARTS AND SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Number of Students Geography Registered at 41 Sc Geography Registered at 45 Registered at 80 Sc Geography Geology Joint Honours Registered at 13 Sc Geography Mathematics Joints Honours Registered at Sc Geography Physics Joint Honours Registered at Sc Economics Registered at 36 Sc Geography as minor subject Registered at Sc Registered at Registered at 29 Phil Registered at 14 Registered at 30 Ph Registered at 12 Registered at
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