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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-428

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Annual Report of the Delegacy xlvii DEPARTMENT OF SPANISH AND SPANISH AMERICAN STUDIES Number of Students King's Other College Colleges Subsidiary Honours 35 19 MILARS Combined Studies History Postgraduate 18 73 32 Departmental Notes The Department was active during the Session in ways familiar and proper to it Professor Jones gave talk on 'Juan del Encina Wandering Cleric' to the Cambridge University Spanish Society in March Mr Sage gave talk on Spanish music to the Spanish Society of Westfield College attended the Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Music at Cumberland Lodge in July and the Congreso Anglogermano on Calderon held at Westfield College in July Dr Woods read paper on 'Garcilaso and the pastoral genre' at the annual Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland at Hull in April attended also by Professor Jones and Mr Rowe Mr Wilson was sent as an official representative of the Institute of Latin American Studies to the Congreso de Americanistas held at Rome and Genoa in September 1972 and also attended the next meeting at Paris in September 1973 He gave lecture on 'Octavio Paz and Surrealism some affinities' at the Institute of Latin American Studies of this University in November and another on 'The Surrealists' Mexico' at the Liverpool Centre for Latin American Studies in February The Department gratefully acknowledges the invaluable help re- ceived from Professor Deyennond Miss Ingamells and Mrs Phillips during the absence through illness of Mrs Hamilton now happily convalescent The Department said goodbye to Professor Jones on his departure to take up another post elsewhere after very happy decade as Cer- vantes Professor The occasion was poignant one for both parties
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