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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-427

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xlvi Annual Report of the Delegacy Cambridge and to the Ratio Seminar on Explanation at the University of Bristol He was chairman of one of the symposia at the Joint Session of the Mind Association and Aristotelian Society at Bristol Professor Winch also acted as external examiner for the Universities of Hull St Andrews and Singapore The Department held two residential courses at Rogate in the course of the Session at which Miss Sarah Waterlow of Edinburgh University and Dr Hans Kamp of University College London were guest speakers DEPARTMENT OF PORTUGUESE AND BRAZILIAN STUDIES Number of Students Research Honours Combined Studies Subsidiary MILARS 31 MILARSII-III 21 Departmental Notes At the invitation of the Commission for the Fourth Centenary of The Lusiads Professor Stephen Reckert delivered one of the five plenary lectures at the First International Congress of Camonian Studies in Lisbon in November Professor George West who has been reappointed for third year as Visiting Professor in the Depart- ment presented two papers to the same Congress Professor West and Mr Sousa Rebelo also attended the meeting of the Anglo-Portu- guese Mixed Commission for Cultural Affairs in Lisbon in May Mr Macedo chaired reading of modern Portuguese poetry in English translation at Burgh House Hampstead in February In the same month the Portuguese Society sponsored recital by the Schola Cantorum Polyphonia of Lisbon During the year Public Lectures were given in the Department by Professor Jorge de Sena of the University of California and Dr Carlos Estorninho of the British Institute Lisbon
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