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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-426

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Annual Report of the Delegacy xiv Library under the learned and kindly direction of Miss Joan Gibbs the Sub-Librarian for Palaeography and Archives Twenty-four classes in reading course in Medieval and Renais- sancc Latin given by fourteen teachers at King's and elsewhere in the University and organised by committee of which Professor Brown was chairman were attended by an average audience of twenty made up of postgraduate students from several Schools and Institutes and of teachers at King's In May Professor Brown delivered the Lowe Lectures at Corpus Christi College Oxford the first of series founded by the late Dr Lowe His first lecture was on Έ Lowe and Codices Latini Antiquiores' the other two were on 'Early Insular scripts types and periods origins and nature' During July and August he visited the University of Chicago to give six-week post-graduate and post- doctoral seminar in 'Latin Palaeography and Codicology' organised by the Department of History and the Division of Humanities of the University under the auspices of the Mediaeval Academy of America DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY Number of Students Philosophy 40 Combined Studies 17 Subsidiary Occasional Postgraduate Departmental Notes Mr Hopkins read papers to the Philosophy Society at Glasgow University and to the Ockham Society University of Oxford Dr Pole read paper to the Philosophy and Literature Society at the University of Warwick He was also external examiner for the University of Warwick Mr Sorabji read paper to the Philosophy Society at the University of Canterbury He has been supervising higher degree candidate for the University of Oxford and examined Ph candidate for Harvard University Professor Winch read papers to the Philosophy Societies at Newcastle Polytechnic Birkbeck College London and St John's College
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