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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-424

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Annual Report of the Delegacy xliii by the College's Computer Unit with Miss Christine Allwright as Programming Advisor Professor Wisbey in his turn serves on the College's Computing Committee At an Inaugural Meeting held in the College on April 30th 1973 an Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing was constituted under the direction of Professor Wisbey who was elected its first Chairman The Association is to be international in scope and already has numerous regional branches and specialist groups in Europe and North America The principal meetings of the Associa- tion are held at King's Dr Ilse Graham gave Public Lecture at the University of London Institute of Germanic Studies on 'Goethe's own Werther an artist's truth about his fiction' Mr Flood gave course of Intercollegiate Lectures on The Theory and Practice of Translation in Germany in the 15 th and 16th Centuries' He also addressed Birkbeck College German Society During the Session the Department greatly extended its holdings of tape-recorded German language materials and drills Through the co-operation of the Audio-Visual Unit it is now possible to loan students cassettes containing these materials or recordings of German literary works together with simple play-back devices On the other hand successive revaluations of the Deutsche Mark greatly reduced the purchasing power of the Department's Library grant to the point where serious problem exists The King's College German Society gave four performances of Goethe's Urfaust its programme for the year also included films lectures and an evening of German folk songs DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY Number of students Subsidiary 12 Honours 92 Postgraduate 16 Departmental Notes Professor Elliott resigned his chair at the end of the academic session on appointment to professorship in the School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study Princeton
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