Calendar: 1974-1975 Page 411
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xxx Annual Report of the Delegacy lack of funds and subsequently because of the decision to scrutinise carefully all such commitments Gifts The Library was indebted to 343 donors individual and corporate for the gift of 924 volumes and 320 pamphlets including 135 volumes and 140 parts of periodicals bringing the total accessions for the year up to 351 volumes and 033 pamphlets or parts of periodicals Particularly welcome were the gifts of 103 volumes in the field of German philology received from the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- schaft through the good offices of Dr Vollrath 110 volumes of Greek periodicals including considerable runs of Hestia Panathenaia and Pandora from Mrs Helen Vlachos for the Burrows library 25 volumes of modern Greek history from the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sciences also for the Burrows library copy of Dr Kitson Clark's Churchmen and the condition of England 1832-1885 1973 from the author who had dedicated his book to King's College and the memory of Maurice 30 volumes of regional surveys and local handbooks published in connection with annual meetings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science held between 1930 and 1972 from MissJ Higson former student of the College and 285 volumes of French literature from the library of Professor Turquet Milnes received through the good offices of her daughter- in-law Mrs Clare Turquet Exhibition In association with the department of Portuguese small exhi- bition was mounted in the summer term to mark the sixth centenary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance Accommodation Concern was expressed by the Faculties of Natural Science and Medical Science that the number of seats in the reading rooms de- voted to these subjects was considerably less than the norm of one place to seven students and less favourable than the provision made for students in the arts-based faculties there was in particular over- crowding in the room devoted to science textbooks though the science periodicals room had never shown capacity occupancy at the hourly census which had been carried out throughout the Library since the New Library was taken into use in October 1971 The
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