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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-360

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

376 Academic Awards Entrance Intermediate Postgraduate Hickling Harold Potter FACULTY OF LAWS College Scholarships Miles William Frank Gaer Louise Jane Coplestone Boughey William Fenton College Prizes Fogel Stephen Anthony Pointon Caroline FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE College British Association Daniell Horence Hughes Merchant Taylors' Company Harold Row Ruggles Gate Sambrooke Skinners' Company Tennant Wooldridge Studentships and Scholarships Dickerson Richard Stephen Hadjiry Anne No award Quek Soo Boon Lau Yim Yung Wiltshire Patricia Eileen Jean Smith Jane Wood John Gillet Henri Godfrey Penelope Jane Kelly Kathleen Anne Lockman Turab Martin Richard Paul O'Donnell Myra Laraine Roseveare Nigel Sackrule Wesley Nyron Peteri Brigitta Margaret Edith Lee Martin Peter Lewis Murray Oswald Lionel McGrann College Prizes Dora Belasco Carter Medal Botany Drew Medal Alan Flower Geoids Layton Noaward Wiltshire Patricia Eileen Jean Quek Soo Boon Porumb Tudor Hamlin Ruth Margaret Wiltshire Patricia Eileen Jean Godfrey Robin Edward Heward Alan Peter
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