Calendar: 1974-1975 Page 325
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Page content
340 Registered Students Bruce Michael George Burkhardt Bridgit Chung Mi-Ryung Clark Janet Charmione Dewhurst John Edward Fodder Horace Gordon William Gray Richard Hackett Winifred Mary Koerber William Clifford Cobby Jennifer Mary Cooper Peter Devine Vivienne Grayston Florentine Kelly Caroline Bright Joseph Charles Griggs Clive Dennis James Derek Ellwood Caroline Elizabeth Humphreys Keith Adrian Lamb Phyllis Joyce EDUCATION Year of entry 1g73 Longley Peter Albert Marsden Ernest Page-Jones Richard Leslie Pounds John Richard Sandbrook Ian David Shelly Brian William John Townsend Richard William Tinkin Gavin Trenwith Year of entry 1g72 Kelly James Philip Modgil Sohan Lai Takagi Shotavo Tonkin Gavin Trenwith Year of entry 1g71 Kitchener Ruth Freda Large Alan Wallace Wise Hillier Bernard Year of entry igjo Marcham Anthony James Roberts Ian David Vale Brian Year of entry 1g6g Emptage Albert John Year of entry 1g68 Mitra Sukumar Donovan Patrick Joseph John James Derek Year of entry 1g67 York Brian Arthur Year of entry 1g66 Aldrich Richard Edward Year of entry 1g6$ Hill Beatrice Mary
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